PEH wrote on Jan 31
st, 2012 at 5:54pm:
Sorry that i that i didn't not explain clearly on my last question. Actually i had created $fof as URL in Parameter and in execution string i enter: ttuner -if $fof -sa $outfile then i get error.
P/S: $fof browse and selected fofn.txt
After that i just remove $fof parameter and i enter execution string:
ttuner -if /home/kenson/Downloads/ABI/forward/fofn.txt -sa $outfile
Just want to know why $fof doesn't retrieve the correct path.
I will check more info about ttuner whether there is log created or not.
Between, can you try to use ubuntu run below schema whether ok or not:
1. Read Sequence - select ABI file.
2. abi2fasta - as screen attached
3. Write Sequence
For above schema i got "Error opening URL for read". Just want to know why.
Thanks for helping me.
This schema is not so good.
First of all, ABI files are not just for keeping sequences. They keep sequences and chromatograms. As you can see from the Workflow Designer manual, UGENE Wokrflow Designer has 4 datatypes: Sequence, Annotation, MSA, String.
So, when you read an ABI file by the "Read sequence" element, its output port has no any chromatogram, it contains just a sequence from the file.
You set the "infile" parameter format as "FASTA". So, what is happening in UGENE?
1) The "Read sequence" element reads a sequence from your ABI files and sends it to "abi2fasta". The "infile" parameter format is FASTA, so the sequence is saved into tmp file with FASTA format.
2) abi2fasta runs ttuner:
./ttuner created_tmp_file.fa -sa another_tmp_file.fa
because of the "outfile" parameter format is also FASTA.
So, you can see that "./ttuner created_tmp_file.fa -sa another_tmp_file.fa" is not good execution string. You can run simple ttuner with such way and you would see that it will be not working.
You should understand, that when you create input/output port with
Sequence type and with name "qqqqq", and if you write execution string:
"<your_tool> $qqqqq"
then the real execution string will be:
"<your_tool> temporary_file.<chosen_format>"