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Problems opening projects on other computers (Read 11940 times)
Mar 15th, 2011 at 10:56pm

The fifth Beetle   Offline
YaBB Newbies

Posts: 1
I found UGENE in the Ubuntu Library and was really amazed by this wonderful tool.
But, when I try to share my work with co workers I run into problems.

When I save my project via "Save project as"-Menu and open the .uprj files with the same computer, evereything works well.
However when I send my .uprj files to another computer (running UGENE with the same Version) it can't be opened.

I run UGENE in Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex, the other person is running UGENE in Snow Leopard on a Mac.

There is obviously something that I'm doing wrong.

Thanks in advance for any kind of help.
kind regards
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Reply #1 - Mar 16th, 2011 at 12:16am

Agu   Offline
Junior Member

Gender: male
Posts: 63
The ".uprj" file only contains information regarding the files you have in the project, but nothing else. The best way is from the beginning having all files in one folder and then to send that folder.
Nevertheless, if you don't have many files, you could now send them and the "receiver" should manually tell the program the new location (as it will be different from the one in your computer).

Question to UGENE team:
Why "Export project" and "Save project as" produce the same result? (saves only the .uprj file)
It would be useful to have all files included in the project exported as well.


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Reply #2 - Mar 16th, 2011 at 1:08am

Konstantin Okonechnikov   Offline
Global Moderator

Posts: 173
The correct way to transfer project data is File->Export project function. It copies all the project files into single directory, making it portable, so you don't need to do it manually.

Question to UGENE team:
Why "Export project" and "Save project as" produce the same result? (saves only the .uprj file)
It would be useful to have all files included in the project exported as well.

There is a
bug in version 1.9.1
that leads to wrong behavior of Export project function (it works like  Save project), but it is fixed in 1.9.2 (to be released next week)
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Reply #3 - Jul 14th, 2011 at 9:42pm

Kickofighto   Offline
YaBB Newbies

Posts: 1
Exporting to a new folder doesn't work for me. I can load sequences but none of the annotations *.gb files will load in sequence view. IMO you should provide an option for the .gb files to contain the sequence aswell... would be much more useful for sharing projects. You should include a gui to edit the .uprj file so that you can move the .gb or fasta files between folders and still be able to view them as part of the project.
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Reply #4 - Jul 15th, 2011 at 2:39pm

Mikhail Fursov   Offline
YaBB Administrator

Gender: male
Posts: 162
The issue is reproduced in case if project has newly created and never saved documents. Workaround: save your project before export

Please track the fix status here: https://ugene.unipro.ru/tracker/browse/UGENE-492

UGENE team
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Reply #5 - Jul 15th, 2011 at 3:14pm

Agu   Offline
Junior Member

Gender: male
Posts: 63
I agree with you that it should be easier to merge the sequences and annotations (when they are not part of the same file). I had that for a feature request in mind.

Nevertheless, it should work for you anyway. The problem might be that when you re-open the project, the individual files will be unloaded, and when you open the sequence you want, the linked annotations are not automatically opened. But, if you double click the annotation associated to that sequence, then it should appear. Also, you can drag and drop the annotations to the sequence to make a new association. This allows you for example, to have several sets of annotations for one sequence.

To avoid those problems (and to have too many files at the end), I usually export the sequence as genbank and marking "Export with annotations".

About the movement of files. If you just copy a sequence (right click, "Save a copy...") and place it in another folder, it will be part of the project even being in another folder. So, UGENE works as the GUI you were asking.
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