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New branch (Read 10704 times)
Jul 15th, 2011 at 3:20pm

Agu   Offline
Junior Member

Gender: male
Posts: 63
I just wanted to ask about this new branch of UGENE, 1.10 vs 1.9.x. So, what will be the difference? (license?)

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Reply #1 - Jul 18th, 2011 at 4:46pm

Mikhail Fursov   Offline
YaBB Administrator

Gender: male
Posts: 162
This is QA issue only.

Before now we used 2 months release cycle and every new release has both: new features and bug fixes. As the result with every new release we did always have some old features broken.

Now we have decided to use patch version (third number in version number) more carefully.

So the current version system of UGENE is:


x : major version. It will remain '1' for UGENE for a quite a long time as far as we see today.

yy: minor version. Contains new features and improvements. Next one will be '10'. We will try to release new minor releases every 2 months as before.

zz: patch version. This version is incremented for patch releases that bring critical bug fixes only for previous minor release. There will be no new features and almost no improvements in patch releases. We are going to release patch versions every 2 weeks (if critical issues found)

In SVN trunk we have the next minor version. The patch version will be maintained in a dedicated branch.

UGENE team
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Reply #2 - Jul 19th, 2011 at 6:52pm

Agu   Offline
Junior Member

Gender: male
Posts: 63
Ah, great!
Having the patch version sounds really good.
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