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Invalid executable file BLAST (Read 990 times)
Jun 5th, 2023 at 7:25am

SJN   Offline
YaBB Newbies

Posts: 1
I recently downloaded UGENE v. 47 for Windows. I run Windows 11 (x64).

On startup I am getting this error log:

[quote][ERROR][09:54] tblastn validate task failed: Can not find expected message.
It is possible that the specified executable file C:\Program Files\Unipro UGENE\tools\blast\tblastn.exe for tblastn tool is invalid. You can change the path to the executable file in the external tool settings in the global preferences.
[ERROR][09:54] tblastx validate task failed: Can not find expected message.
It is possible that the specified executable file C:\Program Files\Unipro UGENE\tools\blast\tblastx.exe for tblastx tool is invalid. You can change the path to the executable file in the external tool settings in the global preferences.
[ERROR][09:55] blastdbcmd validate task failed: Can not find expected message.
It is possible that the specified executable file C:\Program Files\Unipro UGENE\tools\blast\blastdbcmd.exe for blastdbcmd tool is invalid. You can change the path to the executable file in the external tool settings in the global preferences.
[ERROR][09:55] blastn validate task failed: Can not find expected message.
It is possible that the specified executable file C:\Program Files\Unipro UGENE\tools\blast\blastn.exe for blastn tool is invalid. You can change the path to the executable file in the external tool settings in the global preferences.
[ERROR][09:56] rpsblast validate task failed: Can not find expected message.
It is possible that the specified executable file C:\Program Files\Unipro UGENE\tools\blast\rpsblast.exe for rpsblast tool is invalid. You can change the path to the executable file in the external tool settings in the global preferences.
[ERROR][09:57] makeblastdb validate task failed: Can not find expected message.
It is possible that the specified executable file C:\Program Files\Unipro UGENE\tools\blast\makeblastdb.exe for makeblastdb tool is invalid. You can change the path to the executable file in the external tool settings in the global preferences.
[INFO][09:57] Starting {Check for updates} task
[INFO][09:57] Task {Check for updates} finished[/quote]

As a result I cannot run any BLAST tools or a sanger alignment.
Is there any way I can fix this?

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Reply #1 - Jun 5th, 2023 at 10:49am

Dmitrii Sukhomlinov   Offline
YaBB Administrator

Gender: male
Posts: 82

Please, tell me, did you install the new version of Unipro UGENE to the same directory the previous one was installed to, or you changed the directory?

To fix this issue try to do the following:
1. Click Settings -> Preferences
2. Go to the "External Tools" tab
3. Click the large "..." button on the right side (the general one, which is in front of the "Download tool executable..." sign).
4. Go to the external tools directory. If UGENE is installed to "C:\Program Files\Unipro UGENE\", tis directory is "C:\Program Files\Unipro UGENE\tools".
5. Click OK.
6. Wait until tools are re-validated.
7. Click OK.
8. Try to run BLAST again

If it won't work, please, text us again.

Best regards,
Dmitrii Sukhomlinov,
The UGENE team.

Best regards,
Dmitrii Sukhomlinov,
The UGENE team.
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