Please, tell me, did you install the new version of Unipro UGENE to the same directory the previous one was installed to, or you changed the directory?
To fix this issue try to do the following: 1. Click Settings -> Preferences 2. Go to the "External Tools" tab 3. Click the large "..." button on the right side (the general one, which is in front of the "Download tool executable..." sign). 4. Go to the external tools directory. If UGENE is installed to "C:\Program Files\Unipro UGENE\", tis directory is "C:\Program Files\Unipro UGENE\tools". 5. Click OK. 6. Wait until tools are re-validated. 7. Click OK. 8. Try to run BLAST again
If it won't work, please, text us again.
Best regards, Dmitrii Sukhomlinov, The UGENE team.
Best regards, Dmitrii Sukhomlinov, The UGENE team.
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