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RTPCR Primer Design (Read 4966 times)
Aug 14th, 2014 at 8:18am

lbroetto   Offline
YaBB Newbies

Posts: 4
How can I insert the right Exon annotation name in order to use properly the new RTPCR Primer Design function on Primer3? Any exon information I have putted on this field result in fail.
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Reply #1 - Aug 14th, 2014 at 11:33am

Olga Golosova   Offline
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 338
To use the feature you should have annotations named "exon" on your input sequence.

An example of a file annotated in such way is provided in the documentation (GenBank accession ID: NM_001135099.1).

Alternatively, you can also use another name, but you should then input it in the dialog:
Exon annotation name
To detect exon boundaries UGENE searches for exonic annotations. This option allows to set custom name for annotations denoting exons. Default value is "exon"

The link to the documentation: https://ugene.unipro.ru/wiki/display/UUOUM/RTPCR+Primer+Design
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