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Search subsequences in Sanger reads alignment (Read 2275 times)
Nov 9th, 2020 at 5:38pm

Peacemaker   Offline
YaBB Newbies

Posts: 12
Is there a possibility to search for subsequences within a sanger reads alignment like you can do this in a normal alignment using the "search in Alignment" function?
So far, the only workaround which I found is to export the sanger reads alignment into an alignment without chromatograms, and then search within the standard alignment. Obviously, you can't see the chromatograms like that at the same time. Ctrl-F doesn't work either in the sanger alignment mode with chromatograms. Unless I missed this function, it would be good to add the "search in Alignment" function to the sanger alignment mode in a future version of Ugene. I am currently using Ugene v35.1 on a Windows 10 system.
Many thanks in advance for your help.
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Reply #1 - Nov 10th, 2020 at 10:14am

Dmitrii Sukhomlinov   Offline
YaBB Administrator

Gender: male
Posts: 78
Unfortunately, there is no possibility to search in the Sanger Reads Editor. "Search in alignment" is a new one feature, and it's implemented in the usual Alignment Editor only. We have no plans to implement this feature to the Sanger Reads Editor. But you still can export Sanger alignment to the Alignment editor and use the search tool in there.

Best regards,
Dmitrii Sukhomlinov,
The UGENE team.
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Reply #2 - Nov 16th, 2020 at 10:03pm

ethan   Offline
YaBB Newbies

Posts: 5
Thank you for sharing this forum!
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