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Align short reads: Unexpected query result code: 5 (database is locked) (Read 3405 times)
Jul 9th, 2019 at 4:38pm

ANTOINE   Offline
YaBB Newbies

Gender: male
Posts: 26
I try to align (with bowtie2 or ugene) reads from Fastaq to a genome (with build index) and I have this error:
Subtask {Align short reads} is failed: Unexpected query result code: 5 (database is locked)
A particularity: my files and destination directory are not on my computer but on network. (no enough place on my computer). It is the source of the error?

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Reply #1 - Jul 9th, 2019 at 4:43pm

Olga Golosova   Offline
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 338
Hello Antoine.

It is the source of the error?

Probably, yes. UGENE does not support this. It's better to find a computer with enough disk space and run the tasks on it with the same input data.
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