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How to analyze NGS (Read 2331 times)
Jun 20th, 2019 at 11:36pm

Panda   Offline
YaBB Newbies

Posts: 1
I just start to learn Ugene to do analyze NGS
I have file 2 pair end and run the tool Raw DNA-seg data processing and have 5 file (abm, ann, bwt, pac, sa)
I dont know what should I do now and I also try varriant call but wonder which sam/bam file to do, because the company give me fastq file.
Please help me,
What should I do now.
If you can share any link or video will be great. More details will be wonderful
Thank you so much
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Reply #1 - Jun 21st, 2019 at 12:07pm

Olga Golosova   Offline
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 338

Could you please describe in more detail in what research project you're involved, what was the experiment and the data origin, and what is your goal now? Also, which sequencing platform was used, Illumina?

In any case the first step in analyzing the NGS data is usually quality control of the data. Note that we plan to publish a tutorial video about that on our YouTube channel at the beginning of the next week.
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