I am trying to align two Sanger reads I received. I have imported the chromatograms to the Ugene software and exported the sequence with .aln format.
However, when I select both sequences and click on align with Muscle I get the following error message:
[22:55:13] 'MUSCLE align 'pcDNA4.aln'' task failed: Subtask {Workflow wrapper 'MUSCLE align 'pcDNA4.aln''} is failed: Subtask {Run workflow: align} is failed: Internal error: cannot find workflow alig
I am not very familiar with all features of the software, I have mainly been using ugene to check for chromatogram quality and do
in silico cloning.
I am using Windows 10 and have downloaded the latest version as a standard package.
I would be grateful if you could help me with this issue,