Dear Olga,
my goal?
A) main task - to identify and obtain sequence of bacterial DNA
I decided to use de novo as a first step (for free in illumina base space platform, but I have got to much reads to use free spades tool there, that's why i was looking for system like yours), but it gives me only partial information, but helpful in looking for possible reference sequence ( I have checked it manually using BLAST)
After that I choose "refseq" and do resequencing... (very nice coverage - near 1000x, no gaps...., but also i do not know how to sort reads which do not match to my refseq).
B) minor task - plasmids... or another add-ons
For resequencing I used your platform and bowtie2, and obtained consensus I uploaded to basys platform (now I got annotated sequence),
Do I do something wrong? what is a typical pipeline for this kind of task?
Now I am using clc tool, I have similar but different consensus sequence obtained from the same reads and the same refseq, using unmatched reads I was able to perform de novo sequencing and I have some huge fragments of DNA (different set of plasmids, still analyse it)
Another project - unknown bacteriophages sequencing project - I think I need spades for that...
but still have a problem with my data... I used new release of UGENE but it does not change anything. Tomorrow I will have my IT specialist, I am not familiar with unix system, he will help me with command line (I know, you have write my almost everything

). Tomorrow I will try to use Win version of UGENE, and I will see what I have after using clc tool...
Sorry for my silence, but I had long break from work, today is my second day.