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selection of restriction enzymes (Read 13197 times)
Mar 20th, 2013 at 3:21pm

randolf   Offline
YaBB Newbies

Posts: 27
Hi, I have some suggestion as to how selections of restriction enzymes are saved.

My Problem:
At first I have the rebase_all database. Then I select some restriction enzymes, I'm interested in. Because I don't want to lose the selection, I save it in bairoch file format. However, when I want to add another enzyme to the selection this is impossible. I have to select all the enzymes again from the rebase_all database plus the new one. This is very tiresome.

I think the enzyme selection files should contain only the names of the enzymes to be selected (bamhi, ecori, ...). In this way the enzyme database stays the same when you load new selections and additional enzymes can easyly be added to a selection.
I admit that when you work with a database which doesn't contain enzymes which are listed in the selection file there is a problem. In this case only the enzymes which are in the bairoch-database should be selected (the intersection-set of both files).

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Reply #1 - Mar 20th, 2013 at 4:33pm

Konstantin Okonechnikov   Offline
Global Moderator

Posts: 173
Hi  Thomas!

This feature is already implemented for upcoming 1.12. The concepts of enzymes database and enzyme selection are separated. Now enzymes selection can be saved to or loaded from a simple text file with enzyme names separated by comma, space or new line. One can use "Load selection" or "Save selection" buttons to use this feature.

I encourage you to download the latest snapshot and try it. And certainly, let us know if there are any problems.
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Reply #2 - Jul 25th, 2014 at 5:07pm

Nex   Offline
YaBB Newbies

Posts: 6
Dear Developers,

To this request, I would like to add that it would be very useful to be able to select enzymes by typing them (when you type each letter, a drop-down list appears that can be clicked on to select an enzyme).
Currently they have to be browsed, which is a slow method.

Best regards,
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Reply #3 - Jul 25th, 2014 at 8:11pm

Olga Golosova   Offline
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 338
Dear Nex,

Filtering of restriction sites is already available in the current UGENE version. Notice the "Filter by name" field at the top of the restriction sites dialog.

Kind regards,
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Reply #4 - Jul 26th, 2014 at 2:10am

Ilya Flyamer   Offline
Full Member

Gender: male
Posts: 126
I would like to add, that it could be even easier: user can just enter the names of all enzymes into the entry field, where selected enzymes are displayed. In case of an error in the names just tell about that (or check the names while user is typing and highlight incorrect enzymes in red, for example).
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Reply #5 - Jul 28th, 2014 at 2:57pm

Olga Golosova   Offline
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 338
Ilya, we'll think about your idea.
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