Thank you for a rapid reply! But that's not what I meant... Sorry if I didn't state my problem clear enough!
Under reverse or back translation I meant taking a protein sequence and turning it to a nucleotide sequence using known codon usage tables. For this purpose I usually use this programme rev_trans from bioinformatics[dot]org, but it would be nice if I could do it in Ugene interface and the question is if it's possible in current version. Citing the Ugene manpage:
Quote:The main features of UGENE:
* View and analysis of annotated DNA or protein sequences
* Chromatograms visualization and editing
* Integrated 3D viewer for files in PDB and MMDB formats
* Integrated support of search requests to NCBI databases
* Multiple sequence alignment using MUSCLE3, MUSCLE4 and KAlign
* HMM profiles build and search, based on the source of HMMER2 and
* Modern protein secondary structure prediction algorithms based
on GORIV and PsiPred
* Phylogenetic analysis with Phylip
* PCR Primers design using Primer3 package
* Cloning in silico
* Search for transcription factor binding sites in DNA sequences
* Search for restriction enzymes and integration with REBASE
* Search for direct and invert repeats
* DNA reference assembly using Bowtie
* Protein back translation
* Search for ORFs