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Using Ubuntu Private Cloud (Read 5313 times)
Sep 12th, 2011 at 12:14am

123   Offline
YaBB Newbies

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Posts: 2

is it possible to attach the workflow designer with private cloud  created in our own lab like Ubuntu cloud. kindly help.
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Reply #1 - Sep 12th, 2011 at 4:36pm

Mikhail Fursov   Offline
YaBB Administrator

Gender: male
Posts: 162
The answer is yes and no at the same time.

Why yes: we are working on the module that allows to run workflows in efficient way using different types of clouds: EC2, Azure and even local privately held clusters. We have several positive feedbacks from users we have installed the software.

Why not: we plan to release this code later this year under open license (Apache or GPL). So now you can't get the code and do the installation by yourself - it is still under development.

What can you do here

1) Wait until we release open version.


2) Out team  can try to install the software into your system . The deployment must l be considered as a testing, but not a production-level solution.


UGENE team
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Reply #2 - Sep 16th, 2011 at 9:36pm

123   Offline
YaBB Newbies

Gender: male
Posts: 2
Thanks Mikhail Fursov for your reply.

We need for the research purpose of M.Tech student Thesis not for any other use. if your team could help us then, we wud grateful to you. and further if you allow us then we can attach more students to work on this
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