Myckel Habets wrote on Oct 22
nd, 2010 at 6:52pm:
I try to obtain the following:
Read protein sequences from file -> BLAST -> protein name of 1st hit + sequence to a (fasta) file.
I have a Read sequence block connected to a Request remote Database block and that one connected to a write to fasta block. However this does not work.
The sequence is read, blast is performed and only the sequence is saved to the file (in a same way as it is read). The field FASTA header can only be set to <empty> and Source URL (by read sequence).
What am I doing wrong?
Request remote database worker as well as local blast worker produces annotations as the result to the search sequence.
Fasta file stores sequences only, but not annotations. So your workflows reads sequences, search annotations for them and stores original sequences back without any annotations.
You should use :
A) Genbank file format to store both original sequence & annotations obtained from blast over the sequences
B) Extract annotated regions to extract sequences under annotations (blast results) and save them separately.
If neither of methods is not convenient for you, please propose new one and we will discuss if it's possible to implement it in UGENE.