Link to UGENE sources:
The build process can take 30-60 minutes depending on hardware.
I. GNU/Linux
1) Install the latest Qt development package using your favourite package manager. Currently, UGENE depends on Qt 4.5.0. The process may be different on different systems (e.g. there is distinct Qt WebKit development package in SuSe distribution)
2) Ensure that you have zlib development package. If not install it in the same way.
3) Download UGENE source tarball and extract it (for example, with the command tar -xzf ugene-1.5.0.tar.gz).
4) The common way to build UGENE is the following:
qmake -r
sudo make install
You can check ugene manual pages with 'man ugene' or 'man congene' commands.
Notes about the common way:
0) You can have no qmake binary but qmake-qt4 instead.
1) UGENE has configurable installation paths (e. g. if you want to install UGENE into your home directory). Installations paths may be corrected in the file src/ugene_globals.pri before running qmake or using qmake command-line options. For example:
qmake -r INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/vpupkin/soft/ugene
Changing installation paths is useful when building on 64-bit machine: it is convinient to change INSTALL_LIBDIR to /usr/lib64.
2) Some other installation parameters may be chaned in ugene_globals. For example, UGENE_CELL flag must be set to 1 when building on Cell BE platform, or UGENE_SSE2_DETECTED may be manually switched to zero if non-sse2 binaries needed. We do not provide complete manual on configuring such parameters since nearly always default/automatically configured values are fine.
3) When building on multicore machine it is easy to reduce build time using '-j' option for make. For example,
make -j 2
for dual-core processor.
II. Mac OS
0) consider bulding UGENE package: Install the Qt SDK binaries. Link: (443 Mb)
2) Download UGENE source tarball and extract it.
3) The common way to build UGENE is the following:
qmake -r -spec macx-g++
make all
4) Currently, UGENE cannot be correctly installed with 'make install' since the directory layout on of Mac OS differs from the standard one. Instead, you have to launch it from the source tree. Resulting UGENE binaries are are kept in src/_release directory. You have to set environment varialbe DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH before starting UGENE, for example with the following command:
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="/Path/to/ugene/folder/src/_release"