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How to make a qualifier value shown instead of the annotation name? (Read 4710 times)
Apr 4th, 2009 at 2:49pm

Mikhail Fursov   Offline
YaBB Administrator

Gender: male
Posts: 162
By default for the most of the annotation types UGENE shows annotation name in Sequence overview widget.

You can configure UGENE to make a text of the qualifier to be shown instead of the annotation name.

Method 1

Step 1. Open sequence with annotations in Sequence View

Step 2. Click 'Annotation settings' button in the toolbar

Step 3. Find the row with annotation name and click (or double-click) 'Visual qualifier' column area of the row.

Step 4. Enter qualifier names separated by comma ','.

UGENE will use the values of qualifiers with the given names instead of an annotation name in Sequence view from now. It will look for qualifiers sequentially in the same order as you typed.
« Last Edit: Apr 5th, 2009 at 12:21am by Mikhail Fursov »  

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