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"Introduction into UGENE" webinars (Read 20859 times)
Sep 15th, 2014 at 4:27pm

Olga Golosova   Offline
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 338
We're now conducting "Introduction into UGENE" webinars!

The webinars are mostly useful to people with small experience in using UGENE or without the experience at all. However, experienced users may also find them useful, as they provide some tips on using UGENE.

Approximate plan of the webinars is the following:
  • UGENE basics
  • Analyzing a sequence
  • Multiple sequence alignment

However, each webinar will take into account preferences of the participants. The participants will also be able to ask questions theoughout the webinar. The webinars are free of charge.

Write us, if you would like to participate in a webinar.
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