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Quality of Assembly based on Ion Torrent Data (microbial genome) (Read 3650 times)
May 12th, 2013 at 10:19am

bbmisra   Offline
YaBB Newbies

Posts: 1
Hi All !

Results that I obtained are as follows: Ion-Torrent Data for a 5 Mbp microbial genome: Acquired 3, 435, 101 high-quality filtered reads, average read length of 180 bp, assembled using MIRA/ CLC Assembler, & got: 350 Contigs (> 500 bp CO), mean contig size: 17 kbp, 110 X Coverage; N50 Contigs: 32 kbp, largest scaffold: 89 kbp, 6000 ORFS/CDSs.

What looks unreasonable/ unacceptable/ gross ? Please feel free to advice and comment ! Just wish to check out and find flaws.

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