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Genomic Region (Read 4748 times)
Aug 12th, 2010 at 11:53pm

chicago   Offline
YaBB Newbies

Posts: 1
Hello.  I've got two related questions.

1) I would like to create a map of a genomic region so as to visualize multiple isoforms of a gene (i.e. MeCP2= NM_004992 & NM_001110792).  Is there an easy way to import all of the isoforms in a single file?

2) I would like to add another "position ruler", so I can also refer to nucleotides by their genomic position (i.e. chrX:152940457).  Is this possible?

Thanks for your help! Smiley
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Reply #1 - Aug 13th, 2010 at 6:29pm

Konstantin Okonechnikov   Offline
Global Moderator

Posts: 173

As I understand, you need to save several sequences into one file. What is the expected output format for the isoform map? Are the annoations required for the map? It would be great if you provide some details.

Anyway the easiest way is to use Ugene export function. Just open the required documents and use export context menu in the Project view.

As for adding new ruler : in the sequence view activate context menu with right mouse button. Select "Rulers-> create new ruler"
In the appeared dialog you can set ruler name, starting position (offset) and color.
Check UGENE user manual for more details: http://ugene.unipro.ru/manual/adv_pan_view.html

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