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Improve selection in circular view? (Read 4743 times)
Aug 30th, 2013 at 10:26pm

Ilya Flyamer   Offline
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Posts: 126
The problem is this: when one tries to select a sequence between to annotations (either including them or not, but I am interested in the first case) in circular view it is almost impossible to do it in circular view in the case if the selection should include zero.
Selecting using click - shift+click won't work over zero (rather illogical, it should select the sequence downstream of the first selected annotation, I think), and selecting by dragging doesn't work because it won't start the selection in the beginning of the first annotation but rather it starts on the first selected nucleotide.

This is a crucial thing when one works with plasmids a lot...
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Reply #1 - Sep 9th, 2013 at 11:58am

Yuriy Vaskin   Offline
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Gender: male
Posts: 138
Thanks for the request! Here is the connected issue: https://ugene.unipro.ru/tracker/browse/UGENE-2117
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