General Category >> Bugs and Issues >> Exporting Sequences with Highlighted Variation

Message started by jai2022 on Jan 30th, 2022 at 7:15pm

Title: Exporting Sequences with Highlighted Variation
Post by jai2022 on Jan 30th, 2022 at 7:15pm
I could export the Highlighted Sequence (Transposed Output unchecked) in my first attempt. But when I tried to do it again, it failed. The exported file is attached (Attachment 1) :'(
1_013.png (178 KB | 182 )

Title: Re: Exporting Sequences with Highlighted Variation
Post by Dmitrii Sukhomlinov on Jan 31st, 2022 at 2:10pm

Could you, please, attach the original alignment, the sequence you've got after the exporting and describe what steps did you process (in details)?

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