General Category >> Feature Requests >> Merge multiple sequences

Message started by yusuke1 on Dec 10th, 2021 at 11:36am

Title: Merge multiple sequences
Post by yusuke1 on Dec 10th, 2021 at 11:36am
I thank the developer every time I use UGENE.
I want the feature to merge multiple sequences, and it would be best if the overlapping parts of two sequences could be converted to a consensus sequence if they do not match.
This would be useful for merging Sanger sequences read from the 3' end and 5' end sides.

Thank you,

Title: Re: Merge multiple sequences
Post by Dmitrii Sukhomlinov on Dec 13th, 2021 at 11:55am

Could you, please, detail this a bit. How this feature differs from the consensus? You may export the consensus from the Sanger Reads Editor as a sequence (see attachment 1), also, you may export the whole Sanger alignment as Multiple alignment with the consensus (see attachment 2). Isn't this fit to you?
1_012.png (48 KB | 222 )
2_010.png (33 KB | 207 )

Title: Re: Merge multiple sequences
Post by yusuke1 on Dec 20th, 2021 at 4:14pm
Thank you for your kind reply!
I was not aware of this method until now.
It is true that I can merge multiple sequences of the same region of the same individual with the Sanger Reads Editor.

I often sequence a particular region of the same individual from the 5-end and 3-end sides, and it is time-consuming to merge them one by one in the Sanger Reads Editor.

It would be very helpful if I could use Multiple Sequence Alignment Viewer to merge the sequences.

Many thanks,

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