General Category >> Help and How-to >> Getting a consensus sequence from previously aligned fasta formatted text files

Message started by roblogan6 on Jun 10th, 2016 at 4:34am

Title: Getting a consensus sequence from previously aligned fasta formatted text files
Post by roblogan6 on Jun 10th, 2016 at 4:34am
I have used mafft to align multifasta files with a txt extension. I made the attached work flow, trying to get one file per multifasta file, that contains the consensus sequence in fasta format for downstream analysis. I am getting an error that my input files are not in the correct format. They look something like this:

How can I use these .txt files in fasta format, previously aligned using mafft, and UGENE to produce one file per multifasta file with a consensus sequence, such as the following (depending on the parameters used to generate consensus sequence)
Screen_Shot_2016-06-09_at_5_33_55_PM.png (232 KB | 382 )

Title: Re: Getting a consensus sequence from previously aligned fasta formatted text files
Post by Yuliya Algaer on Jun 22nd, 2016 at 1:50pm
I tried to do the same workflow and test it.

I can't reproduce issue you described.

Your workflow looks correct, it can produce an error only if the input folder contains some files that are not in fasta or any other msa format.

Could you please send us the workflow and input data you used?

You can send it to

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