General Category >> Help and How-to >> Opencl/Cuda does not work under Ubuntu

Message started by Jeff Z on Jul 19th, 2014 at 11:36am

Title: Opencl/Cuda does not work under Ubuntu
Post by Jeff Z on Jul 19th, 2014 at 11:36am
I have a Ubuntu 12.04 (64 bit) with a Gforce210 card and Nvidia Cuda 6.0 installed. The Nvidia Cuda 6.0 samples run on this machine without any problem; however, in Ugene 1.13.3 under "settings" -> "Preferences", cuda or opencl does not showup. Please help diagnose the problem.

Title: Re: Opencl/Cuda does not work under Ubuntu
Post by Olga Golosova on Jul 21st, 2014 at 11:48am
Hello. Are there any error messages in the UGENE log?

Also, could you please check whether there are "CUDA Support" and "OpenCL Support" plugins in the list of loaded plugins (open "Settings > Plugins" in UGENE)?

Title: Re: Opencl/Cuda does not work under Ubuntu
Post by Olga Golosova on Jul 28th, 2014 at 3:09pm
Jeff, have you solved the problem?

Title: Re: Opencl/Cuda does not work under Ubuntu
Post by Rodrigo on Jan 9th, 2015 at 6:49am
Hi Olga.
I'm having the same problem that Jeff had.
Continuing from where he left. I can't find any CUDA plug in loaded and even with OpenGL plug in being available, its not working properly.
I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 64 bits, I have the 340.65 Nvidia Driver version and CUDA toolkit 5.5 (6.0 aren't available to 14.04 at the moment).
As a test, I've installed MrBayes separately from UGENE, compiled the beagle library, and it works with my GPU, so it seems that drivers and hardware are ok here at my PC.

Thank you for the attention.
Ps.: Tryed to post some images or links, but the forum didn't allow it. So only one is attached.

UGENE1_15_0Settings-Ubuntu1404.png (41 KB | 512 )

Title: Re: Opencl/Cuda does not work under Ubuntu
Post by Olga Golosova on Jan 12th, 2015 at 3:28pm
Hi, Rodrigo! Could you please send us the UGENE log (you can attach it here or send it by mail)?
Please turn on all log levels including TRACE and DETAILS before copying the log. For details, see:

Title: Re: Opencl/Cuda does not work under Ubuntu
Post by Rodrigo on Jan 12th, 2015 at 5:24pm
No problem Olga, here it is, and thank you very much for the attention.

Ps.: My GPU is a GTX Titan Black.

Rodrigo.;file=UGENE1_15_0-Ubuntu14_04Log.txt (78 KB | 468 )

Title: Re: Opencl/Cuda does not work under Ubuntu
Post by Denis Kandrov on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:22pm
Hi Rodrigo,

First of all, unfortunately currently there is no CUDA plugin in the Linux packages. If you like to use it, you will have to build UGENE from the source code.

We're trying to reproduce the issue with OpenCL. Sometimes the problem occurs when the drivers are incompatible. You might like to try out another driver, e.g. an older 331 driver. Or it would help a lot, if you could also test your video card/driver with a benchmark software. For example, we used LuxMark tool, but it seems that it is not available on Ubuntu by default.

By the way, which task would you like to launch on GPU?
Note that UGENE supports GPU optimization for the following tasks:
1) Smith-Waterman
2) UGENE Genome Aligner

Title: Re: Opencl/Cuda does not work under Ubuntu
Post by Rodrigo on Jan 14th, 2015 at 8:38pm
Hi, Denis. It was actually to use with MrBayes, but as I said before, I've compiled it and beagle library independently so, for my use, everything is ok, just wanted to update you about the issue.

Thank you very much for the attention and effort anyway.

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