General Category >> Help and How-to >> Query Scheme with multiple Smith Waterman entries

Message started by jordan on May 4th, 2011 at 3:36am

Title: Query Scheme with multiple Smith Waterman entries
Post by jordan on May 4th, 2011 at 3:36am
Hello there. I am having some issues with the query designer in uGene. I have created a query schema, and when I try to use it, it says "No Matches Found". However, I know that matches should indeed be found. Basically, I am using multiple Smith waterman searches, in order to annotate a list of binding sites within the sequence. I notice that when I only use a couple of these Smith watermans, then the query works, but when I try to do it with around 15, I get that error message. Could you offer any advice? Thank you very much in advance for your assistance.

Title: Re: Query Scheme with multiple Smith Waterman entries
Post by Olga Golosova on May 4th, 2011 at 4:58pm

Thank you for the bug report! There is certainly a problem with a query schema with multiple Smith-Waterman elements. An issue has been created, you can track it's status here:

The issue is going to be fixed till the next release in May.

For now, if you need only the exact match to a pattern (i.e. do not need additional "Smith-Waterman" parameters) you can use the "Pattern" query elements instead of the "Smith-Waterman" elements. If you need something else, could you please provide additional details.

Title: Re: Query Scheme with multiple Smith Waterman entries
Post by Petr Golubev on May 10th, 2011 at 5:47pm

The bug may be caused by the Smith-Waterman's "Filter results" option. When it's set to "filter intersections" the Smith-Waterman algorithm may exclude an appropriate result (see the bug for details).

Could you please try to set the "Filter results" parameter of the Smith-Waterman elements to "None" and search again. If it does not help, we would like to get additional info so we could reproduce your problem. The ".uql" file and the sequence would help a lot.

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