General Category >> Help and How-to >> remotes machines monitor

Message started by mdp on Feb 23rd, 2010 at 7:30am

Title: remotes machines monitor
Post by mdp on Feb 23rd, 2010 at 7:30am
I am trying to use muscle to run alignments. When I installed the program and open my "remote machines monitor" comes out completely empty. I click on "add remote machine", the only option available is "direct socket protocol", host empty, port 23773. If I click on "add" it says host name not valid. Scan or get public machines also retrieves nothing. What am I doing wrong.
I am a Linux beginner, so please don't get to technical.

Title: Re: remotes machines monitor
Post by Mikhail Fursov on Feb 23rd, 2010 at 4:53pm

To run tasks remotely you need to have an accessible PC that runs UGENE first.

If you don't have one, you can't run UGENE tasks remotely.

In the future version we are going to provide some public PCs that will be available to anyone to perform computations remotely, but now the only remote PCs you can use are your ones.

To add remote PC to the list you can either enter the IP or DNS address manually or use autoscan feature. Note that autoscan feature locates PCs only in your local network.

To install the remote PC all you need is to run UGENE remotely.

Please tell if you have other issues. The feature is experimental and is under development now, so it's very important for us to get feedback earlier.

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